quinta-feira, 1 de agosto de 2024

Selos de Portugal 2020 Inquirições Gerais de D.Afonso II 800 anos history história corner sheet code


Só foram impressos 2000 exemplares de cada selo com código de barras (raramente vendido ao público)

In June 29, CTT will presented a philatelic issue on the 800 years of the general inquiries of D. Afonso II, with two seals and a philatelic block with a seal.

On the stamps of this issue are the genealogy of the Kings of Portugal and the morabitine of D. Afonso II. At the bottom of the block are the achievements of the Crown of Inquiries by D. Afonso II, liv. 1 and a detail of the Genealogy of the Kings of Portugal.

As José Augusto Sottomayor Pizarro affirms in the philatelic card, “the figure of D. Afonso II (1211-1223) stands out in an unavoidable way for his political action, without this statement disdaining the remarkable inheritance he received from his father and grandfather But with it, the levels reached so far will rise to a level of development, which placed the Portuguese monarchy alongside its more developed counterparts, such as England or France. ”

From 1217, the year of the important conquest of Alcácer do Sal, the monarch began a series of actions of the greatest scope from the governmental point of view. First, the beginning of a chancellery registration, the first carried out in Portugal and the earliest at European level; then, and in the same year, the king proceeds to confirm the privileges previously granted, either by himself or by his predecessors; finally, in 1220, it launches that which by chance will be the most emblematic measure of the reign, that is, some General Inquiries that took place during the month of August of that year.

Para José Augusto Sottomayor Pizarro, “a grande novidade do inquérito português assenta no facto de ter como propósito o levantamento dos bens e das rendas da Coroa numa região bastante alargada, e em grande medida coincidente com a uma grande parte da arquidiocese bracarense, com cujo prelado o Rei mantinha um aceso diferendo. […] Mas ainda notável, é o facto de os mesmos inquiridores também terem apurado quais os bens detidos pelas instituições eclesiásticas – cabidos, colegiadas ou mosteiros – e as ordens militares em cada uma daquelas freguesias: Por outro lado, esta iniciativa de D. Afonso II foi continuada pelos seus sucessores imediatos, revelando nos seus pressupostos um continuado reforço do poder cada vez mais “centralizado” dos monarcas – se

D. Afonso II, in 1220, asked what he had, his son D. Afonso III, in 1258, asked what they all had in a much wider geographical scope, from the river Minho to the northern slope of Serra da Estrela; as for his grandson, D. Dinis, he went even further, in 1288, asking what the lords had; finally, his great-grandson, D. Afonso IV, by the mid-1330s, demanded the presentation of royal documents that had granted him the right to exercise certain jurisdictions. ”

This philatelic issue consists of two stamps, one with a face value of 0.70 € and the other with a face value of 0.86 €. Both have a circulation of 100,000 copies each. It is also composed of a philatelic block with 1 stamp with a value of € 2.00 and a circulation of 35,000 copies. Design was in charge of Atelier B2 Design. The first day's obliterations will be made at Restauradores stores in Lisbon, Municipality II in Porto, Zarco in Funchal and Antero de Quental in Ponta Delgada.

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