sábado, 2 de maio de 2020

Stamps Portugal 2020 Sinais de Crianças Expostas Santa Casa da Misericórdia Token João da Cruz Susana Santo António gospel


Foundling tokens in the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa

From the 16th century onwards, many children were left in the care of Santa Casa da Misericórdia in Lisbon. Parents would place newborns in the Foundling Wheel, adding identifying marks so that they could later claim them back - these objects were known  as the Foundling Tokens

Token of João da Cruz
Foundling No. 1043, born on September 14, 1802.
Token in paper, fabric, metal and muscovite. Includes a gospel book of Saint John and a small wicker basket painted red and green, tied with yellow and pink ribbons, with a cut at the edge made for validation purposes.

Token of Susana
Foundling No. 1581, born in 1812.
Paper, fabric, wood and metal sign. Includes a purple ribbon and a dozen brown beads, with a brass cross hanging, with the image of Christ and, on the back, of the Blessed Virgin.

Token of Maria das Dores da Cunha
Foundling No. 2322, born on November 18, 1863.
Token in paper, fabric and wax. Includes a purse made of red fabric with a piece of beeswax, an engraving of Saint Anthony and a patriarchal cross printed in white fabric.

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