domingo, 22 de dezembro de 2019

Selos de Portugal 2019 Nudibrânquios Moluscos mollusks mollusques Mollusken Algarvia Alba Babakina anadoni Felimare picta

Algarvia alba is a small nudibranch, growing to 15 mm in length. It has a distinctive appearance, with a white body, white cerata and bright orange-red oral tentacles and rhinophores and an orange line across the front of the head.
Babakina is in the subfamily Babakininae within the family Flabellinidae in the taxonomy of the Gastropoda by Bouchet & Rocroi (2005). Babakina is the type genus of the subfamily Babakininae.

Felimare picta is a species of colourful sea slug or dorid nudibranch, a marine gastropod mollusk in the family. Chromodorididae Atlantic Ocean species of Hypselodoris were all transferred to Felimare following a DNA phylogeny.

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