domingo, 21 de julho de 2024

Postal Máximo Portugal 2021 Obrigado Profissionais covid 19 Health pandemie pandemic coronavirus virus mask Protection maximo maximum


CTT – Correios de Portugal will make available to the general public, as of this Monday, 9th of August, a set of personalized stamps with the objective of thanking workers from all areas who have always been at work during the confinement imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic.

In these atypical times, in addition to giving thanks, CTT wanted to pay tribute to all those who have always been on the Front Line in the fight against the pandemic: Health professionals, Security Forces, Transport, Civil Protection, Food Production and Essential Goods professionals .

Based on CTT's strategic positioning, linking Companies and People with Total Delivery, this thanks and tribute are also directed to our professionals in Operations, Distribution and the Retail Network, who, in the face of the adversity of the context in which we live, showed their commitment and resilience necessary to provide the best services to its customers, with maximum convenience and convenience.

The illustrations of the stamps were in charge of Luís Taklim.

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