segunda-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2020

Stamps Portugal 2019 150th Anniversary of Calouste Sarkis Gulbenkia Arménia Património arte art Beaux-Arts quadra pavão peacock

Portugal and Armenia, through CTT and the Armenian postal operator, will present on 23 March a joint stamp issue that celebrates the 150th anniversary of the birth of Calouste Sarkis Gulbenkian.
The stamps of this issue show us two photographs of Calouste Gulbenkian; a peacock-shaped breastplate in gold, enamel, opals and diamonds, by René Lalique, acquired by C. Gulbenkian in 1900; and a glazed earthenware bowl from the Armenian community of Cutaia, western Turkey, 18th century. XVIII, acquired by C. Gulbekian in 1922.
Calouste Sarkis Gulbenkian was born on March 23, 1869, in Üsküdar, Istanbul, present-day Turkey, within a wealthy Armenian merchant family. After graduating in engineering, he dedicated himself to the emerging oil industry, which he helped build and develop and made an extraordinary fortune in. In April 1942 he fled the war and came from Paris to Lisbon, where he lived the last 13 years of his life. He died in 1955, expressing in his will the will to create a foundation with his name, of international vocation, which in Portugal and in the world was dedicated to charity, art, education and science, and in whose headquarters in Lisbon would welcome its admirable art collection, then dispersed in various countries.
In the year in which the 150th anniversary of its birth is celebrated, this philatelic broadcast aims to recognize Calouste Gulbenkian's gesture of enormous generosity, visible in the Foundation's work that it created and which, for more than 60 years, contributes to a more solidary society. more cultured.
Country / PostPortugal
Date of Issue23 March 2019
Primary themeEconomy & Industry
SubjectJoint issue Portugal - Armenia - 150th Anniversary of Calouste Sarkis Gulbenkian
Width40.0 mm
Height30.6 mm
Denomination0.53 €
Number in set2
Layout/Formatsheet of 50
Perforations12.25 by 12
Stamp issuing authorityCTT Correios de Portugal SA

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